ببورسعيد د.حلمى العفنى على التظلم المقدم من المواطن

To His Excellency the Minister of Health and Director of Health Affairs in Port Said
I remember Dear reader بمقالى in April of 2010 under Anoatn ((decisions Minister ink on paper)) under the following link
http://gegypt.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_19.html http://gegypt.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_19.html
You have to read how corruption was rampant in the joints of the Ministry of Health in the era former Minister Hatem but it seems that corruption is still plagued by date بالغم of revolution January 2011 story today is in speech contained in the words of the citizen / Mr. prophetic slave population of the town Cape in beards south province of Port Said video Annex
As video hear that the citizen received treatment expense of the state's decision includes a process with both eyes to remove cataracts and installation of lenses in the past year a particular procedure right just before the procedure I asked the doctor who had carried out the operation: -
Maak 500 pounds Aahaj Ahan ride you sweet lens estimated show omitted???
. Replied the citizen; --- from where I am if Maaya money you worked the operation on my account.
:-- Then he heard ask the nurse or assist in the operation says: -
Lens de on cam???
2002 Replied: - de 2002
She replied: - GOOD Hataha
Since the procedure in the past year and to date suffer the patient from skepticism in the right eye, which was installed lens and has not carried out the operation in the left eye to date where directed the patient to the hospital ophthalmia Port to ask Inuk, which conducted an operation date for the work process in the left eye as requested in resolution at the expense of the State 'sovereignty, but
... What Nchov resolution Aahaj (((Yadi woe black))) Yes Yadi woe black medicine to turn into a trade and investment and treats poor patients they twentieth-class citizens ...... Yadi adversity black and there are heart patients die as a result of bargains or Tsoevat by officials ... ...... Yadi adversity black and there is a patient who wrote about him in the lake, which he had obtained decision woman Petrqaa of the horns process was not carried out to date ........ the Yadi woe to the Dr. compromise patient and ask him for money for service performance ...... ... Yadi woe to the doctor is doing wrong .... Yadi woe to the patient Maalaqich Elly addressed in units and medical centers in villages and hamlets ... ... Yadi black woe to be booking in government hospitals need to patient mode or die ... . Yadi black woe to spend millions on state health units and other skimp Balathathat basics ...
Yadi woe to Dr. attend only three days during the week to his office and attended works only an hour or two Yadi black woe to the director of medical management cost nurse to inspect the units on their behalf and you make a decision 60 and evaluating the performance of doctors
Yadi woe to warn General Manager a health directorates in one of the provinces and ask him Alattalaa book visits the unit and did not respond enough to the news Majorohmeyrdsh Mobile violin to contact Beah and escapes ..... Yadi adversity when you turn one of the medical units to Port Said to furnished accommodation and exploitation of one of the nurses
Housing nurses loneliness private residence by the Atstaa any another nurse approaching him and only not Atjny on one, but each character recorded documents and jewel Egypt and its owner does not Admran to one or any party opponents does not share one hostility but with public interest of the homeland and the citizen
http://gegypt.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_19.html http://gegypt.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_19.html
As video hear that the citizen received treatment expense of the state's decision includes a process with both eyes to remove cataracts and installation of lenses in the past year a particular procedure right just before the procedure I asked the doctor who had carried out the operation: -
Maak 500 pounds Aahaj Ahan ride you sweet lens estimated show omitted???
. Replied the citizen; --- from where I am if Maaya money you worked the operation on my account.
:-- Then he heard ask the nurse or assist in the operation says: -
Lens de on cam???
2002 Replied: - de 2002
She replied: - GOOD Hataha
Since the procedure in the past year and to date suffer the patient from skepticism in the right eye, which was installed lens and has not carried out the operation in the left eye to date where directed the patient to the hospital ophthalmia Port to ask Inuk, which conducted an operation date for the work process in the left eye as requested in resolution at the expense of the State 'sovereignty, but
... What Nchov resolution Aahaj (((Yadi woe black))) Yes Yadi woe black medicine to turn into a trade and investment and treats poor patients they twentieth-class citizens ...... Yadi adversity black and there are heart patients die as a result of bargains or Tsoevat by officials ... ...... Yadi adversity black and there is a patient who wrote about him in the lake, which he had obtained decision woman Petrqaa of the horns process was not carried out to date ........ the Yadi woe to the Dr. compromise patient and ask him for money for service performance ...... ... Yadi woe to the doctor is doing wrong .... Yadi woe to the patient Maalaqich Elly addressed in units and medical centers in villages and hamlets ... ... Yadi black woe to be booking in government hospitals need to patient mode or die ... . Yadi black woe to spend millions on state health units and other skimp Balathathat basics ...
Yadi woe to Dr. attend only three days during the week to his office and attended works only an hour or two Yadi black woe to the director of medical management cost nurse to inspect the units on their behalf and you make a decision 60 and evaluating the performance of doctors
Yadi woe to warn General Manager a health directorates in one of the provinces and ask him Alattalaa book visits the unit and did not respond enough to the news Majorohmeyrdsh Mobile violin to contact Beah and escapes ..... Yadi adversity when you turn one of the medical units to Port Said to furnished accommodation and exploitation of one of the nurses
Housing nurses loneliness private residence by the Atstaa any another nurse approaching him and only not Atjny on one, but each character recorded documents and jewel Egypt and its owner does not Admran to one or any party opponents does not share one hostility but with public interest of the homeland and the citizen
اذكر عزيزى القارىء بمقالى فى ابريل سنة 2010 تحت عنواتن (( قرارات معالى الوزير حبر على ورق )) تحت الرابط التالى
وكما تسمعون بالفيديو ان المواطن حصل على قرار العلاج نفقة الدوله يتضمن اجراء عمليه بكلتا عينيه ازالة المياه البيضاء وتركيب عدسات تم فى العام الماضى اجراء العمليه بعينه اليمنى فقط وقبل اجراء العمليه سالته الطبيبه التى قامت باجراء العمليه :--
معاك 500 جنيه ياحاج علشان اركب لك عدسه حلوه تقدر تشوف بيها ؟؟؟
فاجابها المواطن؛--- منين انا لو معايا فلوس كنت عملت العمليه على حسابى .
ثم سمعها تسال الممرضه او مساعدتها فى اجراء العمليه تقول :--
العدسه دى بتاريخ كام ؟؟؟
اجابت :-- دى من سنة 2002
ردت قائلة :-- كويسه هاتيها
ومنذ اجراء العمليه فى العام الماضى وحتى تاريخه يقاسى المريض من شكه فى العين اليمنى التى تم تركيب العدسه بها ولم تجرى العمليه فى العين اليسرى حتى تاريخه حيث توجه المريض الى مستشفى الرمد ببورسعيد ليسال الدكتوره التى اجرت له العمليه عن موعد عمل العمليه بالعين اليسرى كما جاء بالقرار على نفقة الدوله فاجابته سيادتها
لما نشوف القرار ياحاج (((يادى المصيبه السوداء))) نعم يادى المصيبه السوداء ان يتحول الطب الى تجاره واستثمار وان يعامل الفقراء من المرضى على انهم مواطنين من الدرجه العشرين ... يادى المصيبه السوداء وهناك مرضى قلب يلقون حتفهم نتيجة مساومات او تسويفات من قبل المسئولين ... يادى المصيبه السوداء وهناك المريض الذى كتبت عنه بالبحيره الذى كان قد حصل على قرار حاتم الجبلى بترقيع قرنيه ولم تجرى العمليه حتى تاريخه........يادى المصيبه لما دكتور يساوم مريض ويطلب منه نقود مقابل اداء الخدمه ...... يادى المصيبه لما طبيب يعمل عمليه خطا....يادى المصيبه لما المريض مايلاقيش اللى يعالجه فى الوحدات والمراكز الطبيه بالقرى والنجوع ... يادى المصيبه السوداء لما يكون الحجز فى مستشفيات الحكومه يحتاج لواسطه او يموت المريض ... يادى المصيبه السوداء لما الدوله تصرف الملايين على وحدات صحيه والاخر تبخل بالاثاثات والاساسيات ...
يادى المصيبه لما الدكتور يحضر يومين ثلاثه فقط خلال الاسبوع لمقر عمله وان حضر لا يعمل سوى ساعه او اثنين يادى المصيبه السوداء لما مديرة اداره طبيه تكلف ممرضه للتفتيش على الوحدات نيابة عنها وتقوم بعمل قرار 60 وتقييم اداء الاطباء
يادى المصيبه لما انبه مدير عام احدى المديريات الصحيه باحدى المحافظات واطلب منه الاتطلاع على دفتر زيارات الوحده ولم يستجب ويكفى على الخبر ماجورومايردش كمان على الموبايل لما اتصل بيه ويهرب ..... يادى المصيبه عندما تنقلب احدى الوحدات الطبيه التابعه لمحافظة بورسعيد الى سكن مفروش واستغلال احدى الممرضات
سكن الممرضات بالوحده مسكن خاص بها لاتستيع اى ممرضه اخرى الاقتراب منه والا ولا اتجنى على احد وانما كل حرف مسجل بالمستندات وجوهرة مصر وصاحبها لا يضمران لاحد او اية جهة خصومه ولا تشاطر احد العداء الا فيما يمس الصالح العام للوطن والمواطن
صورة الشكوى من المواطن السيد النبوى عبده