كذاب يا بابا
والفيديو الثانى بثته قناة صدى
البلد وذلك مما اثار الراى العام فى مصر والعالم من هذا المنظر الذى اساء الى مصر وشعبها ويثبت اننا نردد شعارات الديمقراطيه وحقوق الانسان ولا تلتزم الدوله بما وقت عليه فى العهود والمواثيق الدوليه ذات الصله بحقوق الانسان واحترام ادميته والذى يثبت مصداقية ما حدث من وقائع فى هذه الفيديوهات ودفع وزير الداخليه الى الاعتذار لكن الغريب فى الامران المواطن حماده الذى تم الاعداء عليه وسحله وتعريته وتجريده من ملابسه برا ساحة رجال الشرطه والامر معروض على النيابه العامه للتحقيق واننى اتحفظ على هذا الكلام الذى نشر على لسان المواطن الذى اعتدى عليه وتم سحله وتجريده من ملابسه حيث ان ابنة حماده قالت لوالدها عبارة
((انت كذاب يا بابا)) ولست ادرى هل كذبت الابنه ام الوالد؟؟
كارثه فى الحالتين سواء هذا المواطن ام ابنته صدقا او كذبا
واخشى ما اخشاه ان تعود الشرطه الى سابق عهدها باتباع اساليب القهر والظلم والتعذيب فى السجون واماكن الاحتجاز وانتزاع الاعترافات وتلفيق التهم جزافا او تكون اداة بطش فى يد الحاكم ضد شعبه فان هذا يهدد امن وامان الوطن كله اضافة الى تهديد النظام ونحن نعرض اعترافين متناقدين للمواطن المسحول
ايهما يصدقه العقل
This video was published one of the foreign satellite channels, a fully neutrality where she quoted the news as reported by all the media Egyptian and foreign and image do not lie
The second video aired by Al Echo
Country and the triggering of public opinion in Egypt and the world of this scene, which offended to Egypt and its people and proves that we repeat the slogans of democracy and human rights do not abide by the state, including the time for in international covenants and instruments related to human rights and respect for humanity and who prove the credibility of what happened from the facts in these videos and the payment of Interior Minister to apologize but vanity j b is that the citizen Hamada, who was the enemy upon سحله and stripped and stripped exonerated the police and the matter is before the public prosecutor for investigation and I have reservations on this speech, which was published on the San citizen who assaulted him was سحله and stripped of his clothes as the daughter of Hamada said to her father, a
((You are a liar, Baba)) and I do not know Is lied daughter or parent??
Disaster in both cases, whether the citizen or his daughter honest or falsely
I fear what I fear that it will return the police to its former following a Salib oppression and injustice and Altaz upon in prisons and places of detention and to extract a confession and fabrication unsubstantiated accusations or be a tool oppression in the hands of the ruling against his own people, the e this threatens a of safety the whole country additional spyware threat to Allen Zam We offer Aatravin Mtnakadin the Almshol citizen
Whichever is believed by the mind