الى فخامة الرئيس اوباما رئيس الولايات المتحده الامريكيه اهدى هذا الفيديو عله يعود الى احقاق الحق وان يمتنع عن مساعدة الارهابيين معنويا او ماديا خاصة وان وطنه اول من عانى من الارهاب فى احداث سبتمبر التى هزت وجدان وادمت قلوب ا لشعوب الحره فى جميع دول العالم وان يختتم فترة ولايته الثانيه باعمال محموده يذكرها له التاريخ والبشريه جمعاء والاعتراف ان ارادة الشعوب من ارادة الله لو ان هذا الفيديو من مصر او كان من اى بلد عربى لقامت الدنيا ولكنه صوت الحق صدر من انسانه حره جريئه من عقر دار فخامة الرئيس لها منى كل التحيه والتقديروتحية الى كل صاحب قلم وفكر يحترم ارادة الشعوب وامانة الكلمه
President Obama, U.S. President dedicate this video probably goes back
to do right and refrain from assisting terrorists, morally or
physically, especially since the home first suffered from terrorism in
the events of September, which shook the conscience and bloodied the
hearts of the peoples of the free in all countries of the world and
concludes period his second acting commendable mentions his history and
mankind and recognize that the will of the people of God's will If
this video from Egypt or from any Arab country of the world, but the
voice of right issued free ÇäÓÇäĺ from the bold of their own House
President greeted her Mona all and Altkadirothih to every owner of a pen
and thought that respects the
will of the peoples and of the
Secretariat of the floor
الجاليه المصريه فى امريكا تتظاهر اعتراضا على سياسة اوباما حيال مصر والاخوان المسلمين ويصفقون على صوت (تسلم الايادى) التى تمدح اعمال الجيش بانقاذه مصر مما كان يدبر لها وشعبها من قوى الشر والارهاب
community in America pretends objection to Obama's policy toward Egypt
and the Muslim Brotherhood and clapping to the sound (receipt of hands)
which praised the work of the army rescued Egypt, which was plotting her
and the people from the forces of evil and terrorism
Received hands ...Aajeic received my ...Egypt ...Egypt ... Egypt .... Egypt .... Egypt ... Egypt ...
حوار مع مدير مركز الحوار العربى الامريكى بامريكا حول موقف الرئيس اوباما وتلويح فخامته بان العلاقات المصريه الامريكيه لن تعود الى ماكانت عليه من قبل وذلك عقب الغاء المناورات المشتركه التى كانت ستجرى بين القوات الامريكيه والمصريه وايضا الغاء تسليم الطائرات لمصر وانى اتعجب هل العلاقات بين الشعوب يقرر مصيرها اصحاب الجلالة والفخامة والسمو فقط من الحكام والملوك والرؤساء ام ان للشعوب النصيب الاكبر فى صنع القرار ؟؟؟ ومع كل التقدير والاحترام لصانع القرار فى الولايات المتحدة الامريكيه فانه من الاهم والاخطر هو تنفيذ قرارات الشعوب قبل قرارات الحكام واسال كل مواطن حر فى الولايات المتحده سؤال :- هل تقبل ان يكون القرار فى بلدك تابعا وتنفيذالرغبات وسياسات دولة اخرى ؟؟؟ ام ان يكون القرار نابع من ارادتك الحره المستقله ؟؟؟ كما ارجو الشعب الامريكى الحر ان يكلف رئيسه وساساته وصانعى القرار على اتخاذ القرارات التى تحسن من صورة امريكا وتوطد العلاقات مع باقى دول العالم ليامن كل امريكى مغترب باى بقعة فى العالم فالكراهيه اول مسببات الدمار وابدا لن نستطيع البناء الا على الحب والنديه والاحترام المتبادل بين كافة الحكام والشعوب اما عهد التبعيه والانصياع لتعليمات دولة كبرى فقد عفى عليه الزمن ... تعالوا يا ساده جميعا نتصدى للارهاب والارهابيين فى شتى بقاع العالم لتعيش الاجيال القادمه فى امن وحرية وامان ونحارب التطرف والمتطرفين فى اى دين ولنعمل على ان تكون للبشريه ديانة واحده وهى الانسانيه _ المحبه _ السلام
community in America pretends objection to Obama's policy toward Egypt
and the Muslim Brotherhood and clapping to the sound (receipt of hands)
which praised the work of the army rescued Egypt, which was plotting her
and the people from the forces of evil and terrorism
Received hands ... Aajeic received my ... Egypt ... Egypt ... Egypt .... Egypt .... Egypt ... Egypt ...Egypt ... Egypt .... Egypt .... Egypt ... Egypt ...
with the director of the Center dialogue Arab American in America about
the position of President Obama and waving His Excellency Ban
Egyptian-American relations will not return to Makant him before and
after the cancellation of the joint exercises which were conducted
between U.S. forces and Egyptian and also cancel the delivery of the
aircraft to Egypt and I wonder Are relations between peoples decide fate
Your Majesties, Excellencies and Highnesses, only rulers and kings,
presidents or is it that the largest share peoples in decision-making???With
all appreciation and respect for the decision-maker in the United
States, it is the most important and most dangerous is the
implementation of decisions of the people before decisions referees and
ask every citizen is free in the United States a question: - Do you
accept that the decision is in your country, a follower and Timalrgbat
and policies Other???Or is it that the decision stems from a free and independent your will???I
also hope the American people free to instruct the boss and Sasath and
decision makers to make decisions that improve America's image and
consolidate relations with the rest of the world to Yamen every American
expatriate in any spot in the world Hatred first causes of destruction
and never, we can not build only on love, equality and mutual respect
among all referees and Peoples Lama era of dependency and to comply with
the regulations of the State of the major outdated ...Come,
gentlemen, all confront terrorism and terrorists in various parts of
the world for generations to come live in security and freedom and
security and fight extremism and extremists in any religion and are
working to be a human religion and one which humanity _ love _ peace
Andthisvideodedicateittothe American people,and allfreepeopleforarbitrationof