Your end, O traitor on the verge of Syria
days are numbered now and the end of your custom defunct inevitable, O
Bashar Eachaún your religion and your people and Aropetk
Any religion condemns this pain I know that all monotheistic religions forbids excessive shedding of innocent blood???
What if I was asked to judge the ruling out of any fault of your equipment, and killed Your Machine Military innocent elders, women and children and youth of Syria all their fault that they called for freedom and social justice is a legitimate right of peoples
What if I asked in the grave What is your religion?? It is your prophet???? What is your answer???
What if I asked that the Syrian Muslim Tamer shed the blood of his brother Muslim in the Sacred months
What if I asked why I did not went all the military equipment and Jyushk heroic for the Liberation of the Golan's past history has shown your father in???
Any debt owed you this?? Will not be the luckiest of them Sabakak and the fate of Muammar Gaddafi, who killed the rebels in Libya migraine
O inevitably this will not be received, but the fate of Gaddafi and perhaps in the form of the ugliest, if not accelerated to escape the country helped you to shed d \ water Liberal
History log for you and your father pages insanity Liberals and not the Arabs just shy and you do not have red in your face shame and Adhat Kalmsaur who defends everything from T-power system for your judgment, O son of the corrupt unjust Assad
I run away this ... Run away, O traitor to your religion and your country and your people
I run away criminal Aasfah you will not be the most powerful of those who have been there from the owners of luxury Arabs, who overthrew their people with them
I run away before the Eid al-Fitr and will receive only much worse fate than the fate of Gaddafi
The man may come to you from the nearest men's belt for the rest of Syria and its people and the Arab nation Chrork you and which have not received them even houses of worship and also I do not know any religion condemns you this
I know this that people are remaining and you and your family and your system has all that and the power of Jah to the demise of His Leave and never, O people this will not kneel
Any religion condemns this pain I know that all monotheistic religions forbids excessive shedding of innocent blood???
What if I was asked to judge the ruling out of any fault of your equipment, and killed Your Machine Military innocent elders, women and children and youth of Syria all their fault that they called for freedom and social justice is a legitimate right of peoples
What if I asked in the grave What is your religion?? It is your prophet???? What is your answer???
What if I asked that the Syrian Muslim Tamer shed the blood of his brother Muslim in the Sacred months
What if I asked why I did not went all the military equipment and Jyushk heroic for the Liberation of the Golan's past history has shown your father in???
Any debt owed you this?? Will not be the luckiest of them Sabakak and the fate of Muammar Gaddafi, who killed the rebels in Libya migraine
O inevitably this will not be received, but the fate of Gaddafi and perhaps in the form of the ugliest, if not accelerated to escape the country helped you to shed d \ water Liberal
History log for you and your father pages insanity Liberals and not the Arabs just shy and you do not have red in your face shame and Adhat Kalmsaur who defends everything from T-power system for your judgment, O son of the corrupt unjust Assad
I run away this ... Run away, O traitor to your religion and your country and your people
I run away criminal Aasfah you will not be the most powerful of those who have been there from the owners of luxury Arabs, who overthrew their people with them
I run away before the Eid al-Fitr and will receive only much worse fate than the fate of Gaddafi
The man may come to you from the nearest men's belt for the rest of Syria and its people and the Arab nation Chrork you and which have not received them even houses of worship and also I do not know any religion condemns you this
I know this that people are remaining and you and your family and your system has all that and the power of Jah to the demise of His Leave and never, O people this will not kneel
باتت ايامك معدوده ونهاية عهدك البائد محتومه يا بشار ياخائن دينك وعروبتك وشعبك
باى دين تدين يا هذا الم تعرف ان جميع الديانات السماويه نهت عن سفك دماء الابرياء؟؟؟
ماذا لو سئلت امام احكم الحاكمين عن اى ذنب قتلت الاتك ومعداتك العسكريه الابرياء من شيوخ ونساء واطفال وشباب سوريا كل ذنبهم انهم نادوا بالحريه والعداله الاجتماعيه وهو حق مشروع للشعوب
ماذا لو سئلت فى قبرك ما هو دينك ؟؟ ومن نبيك؟؟؟؟ ما هى اجابتك؟؟؟
ماذا لو سئلت ان تامر المسلم السورى يسفك دم اخيه المسلم فى الاشهر الحرام
ماذا لو سئلت لماذا لم توجه كل هذه المعدات العسكريه وجيوشك الباسله لتحرير جولان اثبت التاريخ ماضى والدك فيه ؟؟؟
باى دين تدين يا هذا ؟؟ لن تكون اسعد حظا من سابقيك ومنهم مصير معمر القذافى الذى قتله الثوار فى ليبيا الشقيقه
حتما يا هذا لن تلقى الا مصير القذافى وربما فى صوره ابشع ان لم تسارع بالهروب الى بلاد ساعدوك على سفك د\ماء الاحرار
التاريخ سجل لك ولوالدك صفحات يندى لها جبين الاحرار وليس العرب فقط خجلا وانت لا تملك حمرة الخجل فى وجهك واضحيت كالمسعور الذى يدافع بكل ما وتى من قوة عن نظام حكمك الفاسد الظالم يا ابن الاسد
اهرب يا هذا ... اهرب يا خائن دينك ووطنك وشعبك
اهرب يا مجرم ياسفاح فلن تكون اقوى ممن سبقوك من اصحاب الفخامة العرب الذين اطاحت شعوبهم بهم
اهرب يا هذا قبل حلول عيد الفطر المبارك والا ستلقى مصيرا اسوا بكثير من مصير القذافى
وربما ياتيك رجل من اقرب الرجال اليك بحزام ناسف ليريح سوريا وشعبها والامة العربيه منك ومن شرورك التى لم تسلم منها حتى دور العباده ولست ادرى ايضا باى دين تدين يا هذا
اعلم يا هذا ان الشعوب هى الباقيه وانت وعائلتك ونظامك وكل ما تملك من جاه وسلطة الى زوال باذنه تعالى وابدا يا هذا لن تركع الشعوب
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