هل تتذكرون هذا السؤال ومن الذى طرحه ومن الذى اجاب؟؟؟
ارى التاريخ يعيد نفسه وهاهى سفيرة الاصدقاء الامريكان وخالد مشعل يلتقيان بالمرشد العام لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين دونما مشاركة من فخامة الرئيس المنتخب الذى لم يعقب بحرف واحد عن الاحداث المؤسفه التى وقعت امام مبنى الارشاد بالمقطم وكان الامر لايعنيه من قريب او بعيد او ان الاحداث تقع على ارض دولة اخرى وهاهم الاخوه بحماس تردد قسم الولاء للاخوان وليس لمصر او الوطن العربى او لتحرير اراضيهم المحتله وقدس واقصى يئن تحت اقدام الاصدقاء بنى صهيون لقد اختزلوا كفاحهم وجهادهم فى هدف ضيق وهو مناصرة الاخوان المسلمين سواء كانوا على خطا او صواب واعجب كل العجب ماهو القاسم والمصالح المشتركه بين الاخوه فى حماس والاصدقاء الامريكان ودولة عربيه صغرى وما هو سر العشق والهوى بينهم وما هى اهدافهم المراد تحقيقها فى مصر الكنانه ؟؟؟ والسؤال هل انتخب شعب مصر المرشد العام ام محمد مرسى ؟؟ ولماذا غيب الرئيس عن هذه الاجتماعات ؟؟ واذا كان يحق للسفيره الامريكيه وحركة حماس ان تلتقى بجماعات او احزاب سياسيه فلماذا لم يتم اجتماعات مماثله لبقية الاحزاب بمصر؟؟
هل ان الاوان ان يشعر المواطن المصرى بحضور رئيسه ومشاركته امال والام هذا الشعب؟؟؟ ام ان هذا ليس من برنامج النهضة فى شىء ؟؟؟ وان المتحدث والمسؤل الوحيد عن شعب مصر هو مرشد الاخوان المسلمين؟؟؟ لابد ان يجيب فخامة الرئيس عن هذه الاسئله اما م شعب مصر الذى اتى به رئيسا وخادما له
Speak to Maine to love address the people of Egypt
Do you remember this question is put forward, and who answered???
I see history repeating itself and here Ambassador American Friends and Khaled Meshaal meet Supreme Leader General of the Muslim Brotherhood without participation of the President-elect who has not followed with a single character for the unfortunate events that took place in front of the extension Moqattam and it was to ايعنيه from near or far, or that events are located on the ground state other and here they are brothers enthusiastically frequency oath of allegiance to the Brotherhood, not Egypt or the Arab world or to liberate their occupied land and Jerusalem and the maximum groaning under the feet of friends built Zion has اختزلوا struggle and their struggle in the goal and narrow is pro Muslim Brotherhood, whether they are on the right or wrong and impressed all wonder what denominator and common interests between brothers in Hamas and friends the Americans and a small Arab state and what is the secret of love and passion, including what are their objectives to be achieved in Egypt Kenana??? The question is elected by the people of Egypt or leader Mohamed Morsy?? Why Gibb President for these meetings?? If the right of the U.S. ambassador and Hamas to meet with groups or political parties, why not similar meetings for the rest of the parties in Egypt??
Is it time that the Egyptian citizen feel the presence of the President and shared hopes and mother of this people??? Or is it that this is not a program renaissance in something??? And that the speaker and the only Responsible for the people of Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood leader??? We must answer President these questions either the people of Egypt, who came president and his servant
Do you remember this question is put forward, and who answered???
I see history repeating itself and here Ambassador American Friends and Khaled Meshaal meet Supreme Leader General of the Muslim Brotherhood without participation of the President-elect who has not followed with a single character for the unfortunate events that took place in front of the extension Moqattam and it was to ايعنيه from near or far, or that events are located on the ground state other and here they are brothers enthusiastically frequency oath of allegiance to the Brotherhood, not Egypt or the Arab world or to liberate their occupied land and Jerusalem and the maximum groaning under the feet of friends built Zion has اختزلوا struggle and their struggle in the goal and narrow is pro Muslim Brotherhood, whether they are on the right or wrong and impressed all wonder what denominator and common interests between brothers in Hamas and friends the Americans and a small Arab state and what is the secret of love and passion, including what are their objectives to be achieved in Egypt Kenana??? The question is elected by the people of Egypt or leader Mohamed Morsy?? Why Gibb President for these meetings?? If the right of the U.S. ambassador and Hamas to meet with groups or political parties, why not similar meetings for the rest of the parties in Egypt??
Is it time that the Egyptian citizen feel the presence of the President and shared hopes and mother of this people??? Or is it that this is not a program renaissance in something??? And that the speaker and the only Responsible for the people of Egypt is the Muslim Brotherhood leader??? We must answer President these questions either the people of Egypt, who came president and his servant
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