وراينا ان صاحب القرار دائم الغياب عما يحدث ولاقينا تعالى فى معاملتهم لهذا الشعب الذى تعاطف معهم ابان ثورة يناير ومنحهم السلطه اضف الى ذلك ان افراد الجمعيه او الجماعه دائما يشعرون بانهم الاذكى والاحرص على تعاليم الدين الاسلامى الحنيف ونحن لسنا فى زمن الانبياء فقد كان محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم خاتم الانبياء والمرسلين .. انظروا يا ساده كيف تقنن الجمعيه وضعها القانونى بعد تقرير المفوضين مجرد قرار من معالى وزيرة التضامن والشئون الاجتماعيه تصبح الجماعه او الجمعيه تحت غطاء قانونى ولم لا و (( والدفاتر بتاعتنا والتواريخ فى ايدينا)) وعجبى
Notebooks Btaatnaw dates in our hands hesitated this phrase in one Egyptian films, which embodies the aspect of corruption in Musrouktiz From this standpoint dealing group or association Muslim Brotherhood with the Egyptian people intelligent اللماح which closely monitors how the group or association has completed the preparation of the Constitution under cover of darkness During hours and how it was the attack on the judiciary and enable the loyalty first and last of the group of joints father has Egyptian and ignored the association or group voices of the people who call for President to deliver on his promises and conditions of the contract, who was elected by the heads of all Egyptians and the people see that the blood of the martyrs in the last Ramadan haunt us for Anathm because guardian did not take revenge for the blood Smart Add to this the D brothers in Gaza needs ration gasoline and diesel fuel at the time of inflamed by this issue among the Egyptian people and believes that the President and the institution of the presidency are far from the events taking place on the land of Egypt, unguarded and come out one member of the group or association statements increase the inflammation of the street and inflame feelings Raina out Islamic law instruments Dr. Wen vaccinated Bray-Azhar Al-Sharif
We saw that the decision permanent absence of what happens and Aqana Almighty in their treatment of this people who sympathized with them during the January revolution and give them power Add to this that individuals Assembly or group always feel smarter and Alamutir on the teachings of Islam and we are not in a time of the prophets was Muhammad upon him the seal of the prophets and messengers .. Look, gentlemen, how to codify the Assembly and the legal status after a report of Commissioners just a decision of Her Excellency the Minister of Solidarity and Social Affairs become the group or association under the law did not cover and ((and notebooks dates and Btaatna in our hands)) and I am surprised
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