Disengagement sit fourth and Renaissance
Monday, the nineteenth of August affected by terrorism and treachery
number of recruits and never will not kneel Egypt and its people
Kill all Police officers Kerdasa
تحديث : الاثنين الموافق التاسع عشر من اغسطس طالت يد الارهاب والغدر عدد من المجندين وابدا لن تركع مصر وشعبها

الصحفيه التى قامت بتسجيل الواقعه
- الأحد
- Isabel Sequeira
I hope so, but people there are not well nooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How is your place? - Nady Hashem
goodpeople are so strongface ekhwanthey are klillerswe allchristianand muslimbarle 4 egyptgod help us - Nady Hashem
we face kiilewrs]fights themyesim thankfullu aske about egyptobamais killertoohe help themhe gave themmoneyby money4 kill chritian - Isabel Sequeira
nooooooooooooo we think that you are all not well and yessssssssssss sure Obama has there a big flout of killers!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Isabel Sequeira
that country is and Obama is with themIm so so sorry my friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I send you all a big hug, and Peace
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